Workshop at Untermarchtal Monastery
In 2024, we had the privilege of taking part in a unique workshop that not only helped us professionally, but also personally. The two days at Untermarchtal Monastery were a valuable experience that gave us deeper insights into our own behavior, our drivers and the effects of our subconscious.
Under the guidance of Sebastian Knoll, we not only questioned our own motivations, but also learned how these can have both positive and negative effects on us. The workshop enabled us to understand ourselves better and define our personal goals more clearly.
A particular highlight was the group exercises, which put both teamwork and communication skills to the test. One exercise was particularly challenging, in which we had to work together to build a tower out of wooden blocks using a kind of fishing rod (see picture) – a task that could only be mastered through precise coordination and cooperation. The tower was not allowed to fall over under any circumstances, which presented us with the challenge of thinking both strategically and as a team.
This intensive time at Untermarchtal Abbey brought us even closer together as a group and showed us how important it is to work together on solutions and support each other. We are taking away many valuable insights and are excited to see how we can apply them in our work.